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Classic City Beverages

Foralmost 200years, Dun &Bradstreet has helpedclientsand partners grow and thrive through the power of data, analytics, and data-driven solutions. Our more than 6,000 employees around the world are dedicated to this unique purpose, and we are guided by important values that make us the established leaderinbusinessdecisioning data and analytical insights.Ourdata & insights arevaluable at all phases of a business lifecycle and whatever the economic environment. With rich proprietary data assets such as from our global trade program, volumes of historical data, and a world-class team of experienced data scientists, Dun & Bradstreet is uniquely able to give you the insights you need on customers, suppliers, and other business partners. We leverage machine learning/artificial intelligence (AI), as well as apply the latest statistical technologies and methodologies to build the highest performing predictors, ratings, scores, and advanced analytical models.     

Invoice2PO has the algorithm which can process any invoice that is generated by Classic City Beverages. Don't waste time in manually entering all the product details which are available in POS from the Invoice. Invoice2PO can extract all the data from the invoice in Quick time.

You don't have to worry about any manual typo errors anymore! Invoice2PO is built on proprietary algorithm which uses AI, to extract all the product details from the invoice without missing any information. This will help you in reconciliation with Suppliers / Vendors easily.

Using the latest technology, Invoice2PO helps the stores to move ahead of competition with automating processes, which otherwise require Human resources with corresponding higher cost and risks involved improving overall efficiency.

Invoice2PO can process not one, but multiple invoices in one instance. This will help you in adding bulk orders into the POS. The invoices with over 100 products will also be processed within 1 minute.

If you are not able to process any invoices from the above supplier / vendor. It may be possible, that the invoice uploaded in a New Template from the supplier (some suppliers / vendors may have multiple invoice templates).

Please send sample invoices to info@invoice2po.com. Our team will develop the algorithm for processing the new Supplier invoices in quick TAT.